Hypnotherapy Coach Treatment Plan
6 Week Initial Treatment Plan
I have discovered that my clients have invested a lot of time and energy into their conditions. When they get to me, they have tried everything before and feel there is nothing to lose. On day one we begin work on changing your problem into your solution.
Complex Care & Multiple Issues
Sometimes our issues are so imbedded in our psyche we need longer to excavate, and ensure your solution is rewired deeply ensuring lasting change. Also, issues maybe related and compounded together, requiring more time, and a variety of treatment modes.
Ongoing Support
A number of my clients request and benefit from ongoing sessions: some weekly and others monthly. This mode of working with me is only recommended after an initial 8-week programme. Please don't be offended if I disagree with you and decide not to see you regularly. I only work in this way if I am convinced it will help you.
Discounts are available for Nurses, Doctors, Paramedics, Armed Forces Personnel, & Social Care Workers
Gold Plan
up to 42 x 1 hour sessions
flexible working
unique therapeutic plan & coaching
Email and Text
daily check in’s if required
Silver Plan
12 x 1 hours sessions
Bespoke recordings
E-mail & Text outside of sessions
Unique plan designed for you
Bronze Plan
6 x 1 hour sessions
Unique treatment plan
Bespoke recordings
Ongoing Support
Complex & Multiple
6 Week Programme
Most Common Plan